Utility Bags
As a manufacturer of Garments from leisurewear to industrial workwear including High Visibility Safety gear and vests, we are often asked for a stowage bag or similar bag to help the users keep the garments in mint condition. We have supplied many different types of bag over the years and have patterns for these in our product libraries. If you have a need for such bags, please feel free to contact us and discuss your requirements as we may well have a design already created or we will be happy to explore a new custom design geared for your specific needs.
Below is our most popular bag for Safety vests. This bag commonly has, but is not limited to 3 variations. Red edge for fire depts. Green edge for Medics. Black edge for utilities or in some cases Police depts.
Decorative Bags
Over the years we have provided many Utility Bags, both in terms of quantities and also different designs. We occasionally get requests for other types of custom bags. We call these Decorative Bags. They range in size but often run into very large quantities. Predominantly these bags are for the liquor and or wine sector whereby the Distiller or Winery requires a high quality, highly detailed promotional fabric bag for their bottled product. These bags can run into the millions in terms of quantity and are custom made in short lead times and are typically shipped by the container load.
Laundry Balls
After supplying many millions of garments over the last 30 years at home and abroad we are often asked about ways to easily maintain them.
We have decided to go one better than just providing a washing label sewn into each garment.
We have researched and tested many different products in order to reduce washing liquids and softeners, explored ways to dry garments better, faster and to use less electricity, dry faster and to completly remove dryer sheets.
We are pleased to announce that we have a radical, simple answer to these issues. ALL Natural, sheeps wool, balls are the perfect solution.
Stop using liquid fabric softeners in your wash completely, stop using dryer sheets in the dryer completely, dry 40% faster, saving you time and electricity and they deliver fewer wrinkles.
All natural, no harsh chemicals, huge savings and they last over 5 years in regular use. These are a no brainer.
We can custom package various options for high volume users and or retialers. Contact us direct for details.